
"I am an artist from Knoxville, TN and I have been changed by the love of God. I grew up in a Christian home my whole life but in high school I began to fall away from God. I found out that drugs and alcohol taste good and began to rebel from the Christian foundations of my childhood. It was in this rebellion that I became severely depressed to the point where I wanted to actually kill myself. So, I continued on this rebellion in high school until my junior year when I actually felt the presence of God for the first time. After that taste I could not go back to the rebellion of my former life. Ever since my taste of God and the love that he has continued to show me He has showed me who I really am.

God showed me that I was made to love on Him through the arts and music. When I got saved I began to create art and as I created art I have noticed that it brings me closer to Him and it allows God to minister to other people. It wasn't until I came to know God that I was able to tap into the artistic gifts that he had placed inside of me. God has given me the ability and the creativity to create art and enjoy Him through it. It has also given me the ability to show God to people in a unique way. I believe that God will encounter people through my art on the streets and in the galleries."

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