
Just a Little Levity

what's a life without a lil' laughter?


The Second Best Gift Ever

God gives us friends because He knows our lives would be so much harder without them.


An Elaborate Mission of Love

The best stories have no words.


Living Underground

When I graduated high school and moved off to college my parents turned my bedroom into an office for my dad. Now when I go
home I sleep in the basement.
Overall, it's not that bad when you get down there and are greeted with a sight like this.

A Rebirth

My facial hair has grown, been played with and gone.
So it's name time to change direction of this blog.

From now on it is called "The Way I See It" and I'll be uploading pictures and videos that I take as well as ones I just find online and like.
As much as I'd like to think that I'm creative enough to generate most of the content that I'll post here, I know I'm not. So expect more links that anything.