
Proponents of the Second Amendment often claim that they want no restrictions so that they can protect themselves. These proponents are often the ones that need this "protection" the least. They have situated themselves far away from the areas where gun crime is highest, or even present. In actuality, the majority have never used their guns in self defense and never will.

Come to the city. Live here and when a kid around the corner gets shot and dies because another kid likes his shoes, try and tell me more guns would've solved the problem.

While I do think easy accessibility to guns is a huge problem, increasing restrictions may help but definitely will not solve the problem. What we need are widespread conflict management skills. Physical force and violence should not be the first resort, but this is often the only thing kids see modeled. Parents, community leaders, role models, politicians, police and even the government need to look at how they deal with situations that arise and find non violent ways to respond.

Young eyes are watching everything. Let's find a way to influence a generation and change the future.
I awoke this morning to experience power and beauty in perfect proportions. It set a frame through which I will view this day in awe.


One of the best interactive video experiences you will ever see!


"Being raised by tv and movies, I always thought that Jesus just walked on water and told people not to have abortions, but it's so much cooler than that. He was like ET, Edward Scissorhands and Marty McFly combined."

- Abed in Community S2E5


I love this guy.


Evidently blogpost is for old people and that's why I only have 17 followers ... oops.

I love the people in my life and their ridiculous statements.


Sirens wailing
Bike spokes tinkling
The tires screech long
The bike tinkles on
A man drops his head
A child lies dead.

They say a child died on my block today. They say a cop car hit a kid on a bike, sent him flying into the air from which he came down dead.
I was half a block away when it happened.

Father, what is your plan in all of this?

from Doghouse



Gritty ..


"I don't want the bread. Bread makes me have to pee"
"I'm Jesus Christ"
"I was a gangster. I ran with Al Capone and all those cats"
"You're my friend"
"He hates black people! He's a racist!"
"The A-rab beat me!"

Homeless people with mental illnesses drive me crazy. I try and show love, but it just doesn't seem to get through and my efforts feel futile.

Father, give me patience and more love than I know what to do with.

The best axe commercial I've ever seen.


"In 30 years Christians will have baptized their picture of Christ. He won't be a nice, banal, meek, and bearded man with softly permed hair. Instead, he will fill our imaginations more solidly, more invasively, more unexpectedly. Christ will become That Man who changes people, someone who jumps off bumper stickers and mediocre praise songs and into lives, a presence much more like Gandalf the Grey than Mr. Rogers."

- Jonalyn Fincher in UNchristian (p.240)


Becuase I don't know what to do,
I do nothing at all which may,
in fact,
be worse than trying and failing.

A week ago, I was in Minneapolis, MN for the Desiring God conference which was an absolutely great time. Some of the speakers were Rick Warren, R.C. Sproul, Fracis Chan and John Piper. Yeah, those are some big names in the US Christian world right there. Oddly enough, the thing that seems to be sticking with me the most from the weekend was an incident I observed last Sunday morning. I was walking into the convention center for the last session when I saw a homeless man being escorted out by convention center security. As I walked by them I thought, "Something doesn't seem right about this." A homeless man being escorted out of a CHRISTIAN conference about becoming better Christians and coming to desire a deeper and more loving relationship with God. Take a look at Matthew 25:31 - 46. I think that's pretty clear on what God desires from us ...

Now that thought gave me a weird something-isn't-quite-right-here feeling, but as I was thinking more about it later I was floored. Yeah, something wasn't right there. We're supposed to love and provide for those with less material wealth than us and I was thinking that this shouldn't be happening especially at a Christian conference, but what did I do? Nothing ... I saw it happening, I acknowledged that it wasn't right and yet I did nothing. While I was busy thinking that someone should do something, it never occurred to me that I could be that someone to do something.

Father, give me wisdom and courage in situations where I am uncomfortable and don't know what to do. Help me show even a small portion of the overwhelming love that You've shown me.


A Moment in Multiple Mediums

Dear Weezer,

I'm a fan, not a HUGE fan, but still a fan. Every now and again, about once an album actually, you write a song that reminds me of some glorious memory. Thank you.


Joel A. Witwer


My children will be raised to be this awesome.


I wish all videos were released with a "this is how this video was made" video or explanation.


I am currently reading the Dietric Bonhoeffer biography Bonhoeffer: Pastor, Prophet, Martyr, Spy by Eric Metaxas and I just had to share a Martin Luther quote that Metaxas shared with me:

"If I had been a Jew and had seen such dolts and blockheads govern and teach the Christian faith, I would sooner have become a hog than a Christian."

- Martin Luther

The range of the future of video looks dynamically high.