
Last Tuesday, we were hanging outside of our house, grilling and just enjoying being outside when one of our little old neighbours walks by and strikes up a conversation with the questions "Do you like herbs?" Now I'm not too much of a fancy cooker, but I had just used some basil to make a chicken marinade so I said "Sure we do!" and then she launched into a spiel about herbs which was great to hear. She really loves herbs and growing things. She finished with saying that she would drop off a herb for us to play with. Well the next day a bag appears on our porch and we open it up to find not one herb, but 13!
Now the last time I got plants, I waited too long and they all died before I got them in the ground. Considering that these were a gift from a SUPER generous neighbour, I knew that we needed to get them in the ground ASAP! So yesterday, I enlisted the help of Ms. Ale and both built and planted a raised bed in my front yard. Neither of us had any real clue what we were doing, but it was a fun adventure and now I've got a ton of herbs!

I'll get a list of what all we have now and then I'm going to be looking to all of you for recipes to try!

1 comment:

  1. A list of what herbs you have would help me in thinking of recipes, but right off the top, I like to boil potatoes to slightly crispier (shorter time) than what you would for mashed potatoes, add some olive oil, stir, and add some oregano and basil.
