
Rochester: A City of Quality


This video has also made the rounds here on the interwebs, but it's incredible none the less.


A little bit longer than the videos I usually post, but it's an incredibly well made and interesting short film, especially if street art sparks your interest.


This video made the rounds on the interwebs last week, but it's still cool and an incredibly well made video!


This entire video is made with CG.
Have fun picking your jaw off the floor.


I believe I may have posted this a year or two ago, but I recently came across it again and it blew me away just like the first time I saw it.

"The kingdom of God is for the burn outs, the broken and the broke. For the drug addicts, the divorced, the HIV positive, the herpes ridden. This is for the helpless, for those who have no hope, for the outcasts that have been created by the church and the outcasts of society created by us. The kingdom of God is for the brain damaged, the incurably ill, for the barren, for the pregnant too many times, pregnant at the wrong time. This is for the over employed, the under employed, the unemployable, and the unemployed. This is for the swindled, the shoved aside, the left aside, the replaced, the incompetent, and the stupid. This is for the emotionally starved and the emotionally dead. The kingdom of God is for the bigoted, murders, the child molesters, the brutals, the drug lords, the terrorists, the perverted, the raging alcoholics, the over consumerists, the incredibly ugly, the dumb, the ignorant, the starving, the filth, the filthy, and the filthy rich. The kingdom of God is for everyone."

- Darren Rouanzoin


This made rounds on the internet last week, so there's a good chance you've already seen it, but it's too good not to share!


This guy blows all my excuses for not playing rugby (too sore, too tired, etc) right out of the water.


Some really interesting faces.


Whether you like his policies or not, he seems like a pretty rad guy.

Previously: Kid President.


I can't even imagine this.


It's a long one, but there's some good music in there!


While my jury is still out on Nike being involved in skateboarding, this ad is just straight up rad.


I've posted some Kailynn West covers before, but here's a sweet little music video she did and I dig.
Caution: language

Previously: Rich Girl Cover // Thrift Shop Cover


And now Disney movies are ruined for me.


The hate I feel towards his hat is overcome by my love for this song.